Category: news
Second Project review – Clermont-Ferrand July, 4th 2019


The WinSiC4AP project second year revision took place the July 4th 2019 at Punch PowerTrain venue in Clermont-Ferrand.Read More

Technical Meeting – Clermont-Ferrand July, 3th 2019


The WInSiC4AP project technical meeting took place the July 3th 2019 at Punch PowerTrain Clermont-Ferrand venue

The partners met and, guided by the project Coordinator and scientific Responsable, presented their project updates.

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Annual Technical Meeting – Tours March, 6th 2019


The annual technical meeting of WinSiC4AP project took place the March 6th 2019 in Tours. Read More

“Silicon carbide powering sustainable mobility” published the article about the “WInSiC4AP” project in the Platinum magazine

The WInSiC4AP project is one of the fi rst examples of the technical and scientific integration of two financial  mechanisms, one is European (funds from the ECSEL JU programme) and the other all-Italian FESR funds from the Italian Ministry of Education and Universities: this characteristic explains how the project can count on such important funding – to cover part of the about 30 million euro of the research costs – , and the many projects partners involved – (twenty in total covering four different Countries, and coordinated by the Sicilian Micro and Nano Systems Technological District).   

read the full article:  Open link

First Project review – Brussels July, 18 2018


The Y1 revision of WinSiC4AP Project took place from 17 to 18 July 2018 in Brussels. Read More

CNR-IMM Web article

CNR-IMM (National Research Council of Italy – Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems) has published on his website the article: “A New European Project on Silicon Carbide – WInSiC4AP – started in June 2017”

Click here to read

This project has received funding from the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking (ECSEL JU) under grant agreement No.737483. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy.

This project also receives ESI funds from MIUR 2014-2020 FESR program.